History of bids in this auction
Naxa True Wireless Headset with Charging Case
Count of bids: 11
DateBid amountBidderManual or automatic
01/26 06:02:22 AM$12.00Hector winnermanual bid
01/26 02:10:51 AM$11.00Husainmanual bid
01/25 08:58:47 PM$10.00Hectormanual bid
01/25 12:29:35 PM$9.00Brianmanual bid
01/25 12:29:26 PM$8.00Roelautomatic bid
01/25 12:29:26 PM$7.00Brianmanual bid
01/25 12:29:15 PM$6.00Roelautomatic bid
01/25 12:29:13 PM$5.00Brianmanual bid
01/25 11:23:27 AM$4.00Roelautomatic bid
01/24 11:00:12 PM$3.00Veetumanual bid
01/24 06:59:07 PM$2.00Roelmanual bid